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Issue date: 
November 9, 2012

Kenya loses $145 million to deforestation in two years

A joint Kenya Forest Service (KFS) and UN Environment Programme (UNEP) report released Monday, November 5, 2012, has revealed that deforestation deprived Kenya’s economy of 6.6 billion shillings ($77million) in 2009 and 5.8 billion shillings ($68 million) in 2010, making it a total of $ 14 in jus

Issue date: 
June 20, 2012

Code REDD for environmental protection

Up to now a forest’s value has been measured mainly in terms of the price of its wood, but the United Nations is currently turning this premise on its head by placing a price on the forest’s capacity to absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Issue date: 
May 5 2012

Kenya now hires carbon credits advisor

Issue date: 
March 12, 2012

Africa Wildlife Foundation faces lawsuit from indigenous community in Kenya

Africa Wildlife Foundation (AWF), the conservation nonprofit based in Washington, DC, is facing a lawsuit by Kenya’s Samburu tribe over alleged unlawful evictions.

Issue date: 
21 February 2012

Conservation is priceless for Kenyan forest

Issue date: 
16 Feb 2012

Kenya's pastoralists reach out for carbon cash

If the promise of earning carbon credits is realised, Nixon Parnisa counts himself among hundreds of pastoralists likely to profit from a new revenue stream.

Issue date: 
30 January 2012

World Bank Methodology for Soil Carbon Sequestration Approved

An agroforestry project financed by the World Bank's BioCarbon Fund in western Kenya presented a methodology for soil carbon sequestration through sustainable agricultural land management, which was approved by the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).

Issue date: 
January 06, 2012

World Bank’s New Greenhouse Gas Accounting Methodology Approved by SCS

Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) has assessed the World Bank’s new methodology for estimating the emission reductions resulting from adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.

Issue date: 
24th November 2011

Meru and Nanyuki - building a sustainable future with carbon finance

Recently I travelled to the foothills of Mount Kenya to visit the Meru and Nanyuki Community Reforestation Project, so I and a client could meet the communities benefitting from carbon finance and project developer TIST and see the project first hand.

Issue date: 
November 9 2011

Kenya’s emerging carbon trade to benefit from new regulations

Finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta’s 2009/2010 Budget mentioned that Kenya would establish a carbon trading exchange.


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by Dr. Radut